Kurt Warner

Kurt Warner

I'm Kurt Warner. My professional journey began in 2004, starting as a sales rep and eventually leading as the General Manager of Canada for a publicly traded company. I've been in the financial world, traded stocks, and partnered with two others to start investing in real estate in 2018. But beyond the business suits, I'm a dedicated dad, an avid basketball coach, and someone who believes in the power of self-growth. Seeing the transformative potential of AI in eLearning, I founded LBM Consulting. Our mission? To help eLearning businesses generate more leads and sales by merging AI chatbots with strategic business insights. I've spearheaded initiatives at different eLearning companies and have always taken an innovative approach to helping companies expand. I believe in staying grounded, constantly learning, and viewing every challenge as an opportunity. With EduBot Insights, I'm excited to guide you through the connection between chatbots, AI, and modern education. Let's make this journey remarkable!